At the end of practice we chant "I am a champion" Im a big believer in what you say you'll become

Most athletes go into their races without a race plan, We make sure our athletes know exactly what to do

We're more than a Team, We're family. Every year we get the opportunity to bond with our team as we grow together through competitions.

At the end of practice we chant "I am a champion" Im a big believer in what you say you'll become

Dear Valued Corporate Partner
Speed Academy Inc. Is actively seeking corporate sponsors for our Youth
Organization. Our organization ranges from the ages 6-18. Speed Academy
Inc competes in both AAU & USATF Meets. Our team is filled with several
Nationally ranked athletes and future leaders. We are a very competitive
organization and compete with the best that Seminole County has to
offer. With your generous support, we hope to continue that success and build
upon it. As with other sports, we believe that track and field is not only a great
sport, but it teaches the young men and women of our communities about life.
Teamwork, Perseverance, Commitment, Passion, and a Great Work Ethic are
all stressed in our fields. As a business owner or manager, you know these
traits because you live them every day. Please help us continue to grow this
Organization to be difference makers for our youths. We have broken down
our sponsorship levels as follows:
PLATINUM LEVEL, $2500.00 (Team Sponsorship)
This sponsorship provides you a platinum-level sponsor’s link on our website.
You are able to sponsor travel expenses, track equipment, uniform and
registration fees for five less fortunate kids, and. With your contribution, we
will add a link to our website with your business website/link on it. You will
also receive a team shirt and hat, and an “I SUPPORT Speed Academy Inc
automobile magnet and a team sponsorship plaque at the end of the year.
GOLD LEVEL $2,000.00
This sponsorship provides you a gold level sponsor’s link on our website. With
your contribution, we will add a link to our website with your business
website/link on it. You will also receive a team shirt and hat and a team
sponsorship plaque at the end of the year.
This sponsorship provides you a silver-level sponsor’s link on our website. A
link to your business will be added to our website. With your contribution, we
will add a link to our website with your business website/link on it. You will
also receive a team sponsorship plaque at the end of the year.
This sponsorship provides you a bronze level sponsor’s link on our website. A
link to your business will be added to our website registration fees for five
athletes. You will also receive a Tee- shirt and a team sponsorship plaque at
the end of the year.
This sponsorship provides you a patron-level sponsorship link on our website.
You will also receive a team shirt and an “I SUPPORT Speed Academy Inc
automobile magnet.
Speed Academy Inc. appreciates all donations, and at this level, you can
select your own contributions. You will also receive an “I SUPPORT Speed
Academy Inc automobile magnet or team Tee-shirt and will be mentioned on
our Friendly Donation Page on our website.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. We
appreciate any support that you can provide.
Please know that it is going to a worthy cause, and the funds that you provide
will go directly to providing for our Athletes in our Organization. Speed
Academy Inc. is a 501C(3) organization, and your contributions are tax-
Speed Academy Inc – 501c 3 Non-profit Organization
Federal Tax Identification Number
Will be provided at the time of Donation. To receive this information,
please have a representative from your company contact us.